
We treat your information with the respect it deserves.
Here are some of our most frequently asked questions. If you still have concerns, please feel free to email us.

What are my rights?

Your Right to Decline
Engaging with our team is entirely optional. You have the freedom to opt-out of participation or to refrain from answering any of the questions we pose.

Your Right to Go “Off the Record”
You may choose to designate any feedback as “off the record” (OTR) by informing us either before or after sharing it. In such cases, we will ensure that nothing OTR is quoted. For written feedback, please label any sections you wish to keep off the record by enclosing them with “[OTR]” at the beginning and end.

Your Right to Change Your Mind
You are entitled to change your mind regarding how we use your information. You also retain the right to withdraw from the research entirely at any time and for any reason. Once you sign our informed consent form, we will send you an email receipt. Should you change your mind, you can click the link in that email to modify your permissions or to withdraw entirely.

Who will see my Feedback?

Once your feedback has been anonymized, our team will use the information you provide to generate insights and compile our report.

With your permission, we may also share selected quotes from your feedback with relevant stakeholders at your organization.

We make every effort to present quotes in their proper context, usually grouping them with other quotes, to highlight a broader theme from our research and to further minimize the focus on any individual feedback.

By consenting to the sharing of anonymized quotes, you contribute to helping our stakeholders gain a clear understanding of how your entire team feels.

Exceptions to Confidentiality

We are unable to keep confidential any of the following exceptions:

  • Information we are legally required to disclose, either by law or court order.
  • Information that leads us to reasonably believe there is an imminent or likely risk of danger or harm.
  • Information related to illegal or criminal activity.
  • Behavior toward our team that is harassing, abusive, or violates your employer’s code of conduct or policies.

Additionally, confidentiality only covers feedback shared during a scheduled interview. It does not extend to the content of emails, direct messages, or other communications outside of the interview.